Chilimarca, Bolivia

Sumaj Sonqo

A stark divide exists between the haves and have-nots in Chilimarca, Bolivia. Poverty is a problem, and the plight of the low-income earners is made even more difficult by living among the rich landowners who posses the power.

Just outside the basin of the modern city of Cochabamba, Paredes-Cabrera operates a modest clinic where she sees patients each day. The clinic’s name, Sumaj Sonqo, is translated from the local dialect as “good heart.” She moved into her new facility in August 2023.

When not busy in the clinic, her attention is turned to working with the most vulnerable groups in the nearby neighborhoods, teaching health, life and spiritual lessons to the elderly, women’s groups and to children.

She is also involved in a program to vaccinate neighbor animals against rabies and educating the public about the local chagas problem, a tropical disease prevalent in Chilimarca.

One of her special callings is to work with abuse victims. Physical, verbal and sexual abuse is a major problem in the region. She has become a trusted confident among the women in the area, where they can safely share their experience with abuse, receive comfort and press the authorities to take action.


Teodocia Paredes Cabrera

About the ministry:

Name: Sumaj Sonqo

Location: Chilimarca, Bolivia

Director: Teodocia Paredes Cabrera

Partnership: 2011-present

Staff: 4


Our mission:

“To create spaces of hope for children, women, adolescents, families and seniors. To take to them the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Why I love being a director:

“I feel happy to be an instrument of the Lord and to be with others, just as Jesus was with his disciples. I love being with others and carrying the word of God.”

About Bolivia:

Population: 11.8 million

Size: 1.1 million sq. km, or about three times the size of Montana.

Capital: La Paz

Borders: Chile and Peru to the west; Brazil to the north and east; Paraguay and Argentina to the south.

Religious groups: Catholic, 70.0%; Evangelical, 14.5%.

Primary language: Spanish, Quechua and Aymara

Literacy (age 15+): 92.5%

Physician density: 1.6 doctors per 1,000 people.

Population below international poverty line: 37.2%

Life expectancy: 70.7 years

Infant mortality rate: 39.3 deaths per 1,000 live births.

Major exports: Natural gas, mineral ores, gold, soybeans and soy products, tin.

Climate: Varies with altitude; humid and tropical to cold and semi arid.

Terrain: Rugged Andes Mountains with highland plateau, hills, lowland plains in the Amazon Basin.
